Knowing Hemorrhoid Symptoms--Preventing Hemorrhoids

10/11/2010 06:11

Hemorrhoid has been a daily battle for almost 50 to 80 percent of people. So it is not a surprise if you are doubting to have hemorrhoids yourself. This is especially if the symptoms come apparently.

There are different types of hemorrhoids. Each triggers different symptoms. So it takes a dose of understanding to know if you really have the disease. And knowing them will give you the idea of the treatments available to cure your hemorrhoids.

Internal Hemorrhoid

Internal hemorrhoid grows inside the anus. You cannot see it, but the sensation it gives will make you feel that you have it. However, when the vein is inflamed, it can protrude from the anus. It comes out in form of a pinkish or red-colored flesh and begins to give you discomfort and too much pain.

What are the symptoms?

  • Rectal or anal bleeding during and at the end of a bowel movement
  • Anal aching or discomfort when sitting down for long periods
  • The anal may have a feeling fullness after having a bowel movement
  • Dull ache in the anal region as long as the vein have not began to protrude outside the anal opening, in this case the pain would be much sharper and stronger
  • Itching around the anal opening may occur after a bowel movement and for several hours thereafter

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids occur on, around or outside the anus. They grow, basically, when the a group of veins in the anus become swollen. They are usually light brown and is cause by too much straining.

External hemorrhoids when becomes worse results to thrombosed hemorrhoids. This is when the blod in the external hemorrhoids began to clot. The hemorrhoids would then turn from a soft pea-sized inflammation to a hard one.

What are the  Symptoms?

  • Bleeding while having a bowel movement and at the end
  • Lots of anal itching that seems to gain you no relief from trying to scratch
  • A deep pain and ache in the anal area
  • External when becomes worst are very painful because they are near to the nerve endings and in rare situations it may cause bleeding when having bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids symptoms are unpleasant so as the disease itself. So it is necessary to know the symptoms and adapt proper treatment before it grows into something nastier.